For homeowners considering a remodel and the contractors who service them, conventional wisdom says that kitchens and bathrooms give the biggest bang for the buck. While they may add to convenience and home value, it is common knowledge that an insulated window will save you money.
Some homeowners, however, are attempting to reap both immediate and long-term value from their remodeling dollars. By adding comfort during sweltering summers or freezing winters, the remodeling efforts can be enjoyed more efficiently with replacement windows.
But not all replacement windows are created equal in keeping out summer heat and keeping in winter heating. Where an energy-efficient, maintenance-free lifestyle is the goal, and the enhanced comfort that has curb appeal, increased resale value and the savings benefit by using these environmentally-friendly replacement windows tend to pay for themselves and over time, other remodeling projects. Replacing windows to higher energy efficiency will also qualify you for the $1500.00 tax benefit.
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